
side_of_oriented_sphere ( Point_3<Kernel> p,
Point_3<Kernel> q,
Point_3<Kernel> r,
Point_3<Kernel> s,
Point_3<Kernel> test)
returns the relative position of point test to the oriented sphere defined by p, q, r and s. The order of the points p, q, r, and s is important, since it determines the orientation of the implicitly constructed sphere. If the points p, q, r and s are positive oriented, positive side is the bounded interior of the sphere.

In case of degeneracies, ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY is returned if all points are coplanar. Otherwise, there is a cyclic permutation of the five points that puts four non coplanar points first, it is used to answer the predicate: e.g. side_of_oriented_sphere(q, r, s, test, p) is returned if q, r, s, and test are non coplanar.

See Also
