CGAL in the Bay Area


CGAL in the Bay Area

The CGAL Open Source Project organizes a half-day workshop at Stanford University. It takes place in Seminar Room S362 on Wednesday 18th of October 2017 from 9am-2pm.

The room is located in the seminar area on the 3rd floor of the South wing of the Clark Center, accessible by going through Peet's Coffee.

As we have limited space, we would like to ask you to register on this page.

9am - 10am CGAL by Example

An overview of the algorithms and data structures of CGAL, basically through demos. No theory, no detailed explanations of the API. A word about dual licensing (GPL/commercial).

10:15am - 11:15am In Depth Session I

Polygon Mesh Processing: simplification, remeshing, skeletonization, segmentation, Boolean operations, hole filling, slicing, AABB tree, etc.

11:30am - 12:30am In Depth Session II

Mesh Generation: surface and tetrahedral volume mesh generation for input coming from voxel data, implicit functions, polyhedral surfaces, Nurbs patches. Periodic mesh generation.

12:45am - 1pm How to Contribute

Organization of the CGAL project. The benefits for contributors. What happens with your intellectual property?

1pm- 2pm Discussion With Potential Contributors

Participants present what research result/prototype/mature software they would like to contribute.

Parking Instructions

See the map. Please use the Via Ortega garage. (Roth Way Garage is closer, but it has a daily parking limit of 4 hours.)